Report by Paula Antolini, September 2, 2021, 6:00AM EDT
Message from Dr,. Christine Carver, Superintendent of Bethel Public Schools:
The Bethel Public Schools are on a 2-hour delay schedule today, Thursday, September 2, 2021. Due to the number of roads that are flooded, power issues, and debris, we need time to assess the situation and bus stops.
Bethel Public Schools will reroute buses due to flooding, debris and some electrical lines.
STORM UPDATE FOR 5:45am according to Stony Hill Volunteer Fire Company:
Road closures due to flooding:
Fleetwood Ave near #11, Fleetwood Park and Lindbergh St areas
Reservoir St. before Reservoir Rd. (minor flooding)
Saxon Rd. at the cul de sac
Shelter Rock Rd. between Payne Rd. & Lexington Meadows Condos.
Rte 53 at Sympaug Park Rd. (railroad bridge)
Chestnut Ridge Rd. just past Dittmar Rd. CLOSED due to tree on power lines.
Eversource was notified.
Avoid these areas and find alternate routes.
Eversource reports 19 outages in Bethel.
