Report by Paula Antolini, March 18, 2020, 8:13AM EDT

This was sent in an email a few days ago by Bethel Public Schools:
“Please complete the following form if your student DOES NOT have a device to use for distance learning. Please consider the number of devices you have in your home and the ability for each of your children to be able to access a device for learning throughout the day. Bethel Public Schools will be loaning out our district Chromebooks to ensure each student has a personal computing device to participate in distance learning.
“We are already booked for pickup today. Once you fill out the form, you will receive an email back to Pick a Time to get a Device. We are now booking into tomorrow. Please DO NOT just show up. We have to check them out! We appreciate your cooperation in advance.”
View link here and also image below:

The school also sent a video link about information on “Google Classroom.”
“As we prepare for our Distance Learning on Monday, this short video will help you understand how our teachers use Google Classroom. We have been using it for years with our students. Students from Johnson School through Bethel High School regularly use it and for the most part, know how to log in and complete assignments! We will provide support for our Berry/Rockwell students! #wecandothis Check out this demo video to see an overview of how Google Classroom works for teachers and students. In this video, you will learn how to set up classes and…
View link here: