Report by Paula Antolini, August 11, 2020, 11:59PM EDT

Message from Dr. Christine L. Carver, Superintendent of Bethel Public Schools:
August 11, 2020
Dear Parent and Guardians,
You are receiving this email because you chose Distance Learning for your child beginning the 2020 school year. Distance Learning is meant to be a temporary measure during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Bethel Public Schools Distance Learning program is outlined in the Reopening Our Schools document. It will be a combination of synchronous (live instruction) and asynchronous learning (independent work) beginning on September 8th. We will be distributing all materials families will need to participate in Distance Learning on Thursday, September 3rd and Friday, September 4th. This will include distribution of textbooks, supplies (needed for core and
elective classes) and technology (Chromebooks). Schools will be communicating specific details on how to pick up materials and supplies.
When you update your demographics, for planning purposes, parents of Pre-K through grade 5 students will also be asked in the Parent Portal to determine if your student(s) will need a school issued device to learn at home in a distance learning or hybrid model. We’d like to know this
information ahead of time so we can plan for a timely distribution of devices if needed.
During synchronous learning, BHS and BMS will follow their bell schedule while Johnson, Rockwell, and Berry Schools will create a regular schedule to be communicated to students and families. During synchronous learning, teachers will be providing direct instruction and feedback to students using Zoom. A reminder that students will not be online all of the school day and there will not be a camera in the room. Students will see their teacher and the other students in the class who are in distance learning. Also, because teachers will have students in school, feedback to students on Distance Learning will not be as immediate as in the spring. Each school will be
communicating with you additional information regarding schedules when synchronous learning will occur and attendance procedures for Distance Learning.
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Asynchronous learning consists of teachers posting learning materials and assignments in Google Classroom for students to reference and complete in conjunction with synchronous learning. During asynchronous learning, teachers also provide feedback to students to advance learning.
Special education, intervention, and services for our English Learners will be provided through synchronous learning on a designated schedule, either individually or with an in-person small group and/or other students on distance learning.
If you have any questions, please contact your child’s principal.
Christine L. Carver, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools