Dr. Carver: “Dr. Brooks, the administrative team and I felt it was critical to communicate the rationale for the shift and the impact it will have on student achievement and your understanding of your son and or/daughter’s progress within the curriculum….Our district curriculum and assessments are developed by our teachers in Bethel. We understand that the shift in grading will take some adjustment, as we are use to the old system. In the end, we know that it will provide teachers and parents more comprehensive information.”
Report by Paula Antolini
September 18, 2015 11:08AM EDT
Bethel Public Schools New Improved Student Assessment System Aims for More Comprehensive Information and Better Feedback to Parents and Teachers
– Standards Based Reporting
– BHS Reads
– Smarter Balanced Assessment Parent Info Sessions
September 18, 2015 – Message to Parents, Care Givers, and Community Members from Bethel Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Christine Carver:
As you may be aware, the Bethel Public Schools over the past few years has been shifting their PreK-8 model grade reporting to a standards based system, most recently at BMS. Dr. Brooks, the administrative team and I felt it was critical to communicate the rationale for the shift and the impact it will have on student achievement and your understanding of your son and or/daughter’s progress within the curriculum. There is a tremendous amount of research nationally about the ineffectiveness of grading systems based on numerical averages and/or letter grades. The largest concern with these traditional systems is the lack of consistency about the calculation of grades and the limited feedback on what students have actually mastered in terms of skills and knowledge. For example, with traditional averaging systems, grades could be calculated on homework completion, effort and some performance indicators. This system typically does not provide any specific feedback on skills and is not helpful in enriching experiences for those students who are advanced or providing intervention to a skill deficit.
First, it is important to understand what a standard is in education. A standard is the skills and knowledge (what we want students to know and be able to do) by content area and grade level. They are the basis for our district curriculum. The goal of standards-based grading is to clearly communicate to students and parents what is expected, the current level of proficiency, and how a student can achieve mastery. I would like to provide an example of the differences from the old system to the new and how it can provide more specific feedback:
Old system example: Student receives a grade of a “B” in English. In looking in Powerschool, parents can see that they have done most of their homework, grades on some assignments, and tests. There typically is not a description of how the assignment was assessed or whether or not the student demonstrated grade level mastery. Parents are given almost no feedback on whether or not their child is able to perform skills at grade level.
New system example: In Powerschool, for each content area, there will be a list of standards and how they will be assessed. For example, a writing standard at the MS would be that students can write for multiple purposes and audiences. Parents would see a list of assessments that measure that specific skill and how their child performed on those assessments. Teachers have (or are creating) explicit rubrics or criteria for how students can achieve mastery on the assessment. This gives a tremendous amount of feedback to families about student’s strengths and areas for development.
Our district curriculum and assessments are developed by our teachers in Bethel. We understand that the shift in grading will take some adjustment, as we are use to the old system. In the end, we know that it will provide teachers and parents more comprehensive information. For middle school parents, if you were unable to attend our parent session regarding standards based grading last Spring, we would encourage you to attend the appropriate session on:
September 29th at Bethel Middle School
6th and 7th grade 6:15 PM- 7:00 PM
8th grade 7:15 PM – 8:00 PM
To promote reading in the summer, every year, Bethel High School has a summer reading program entitled BHS Reads. Each student chose a book of their choice (from a list) and engaged in literary discussions to deepen their understanding of the content. What impressed me most about the event was the student facilitation of the process. It takes great skill and courage to create a learning environment to engage their peers in rigorous discussion about literature. It is another source of reinforcement that we have some of the smartest students in the state!
As you are aware last spring we administered the Smarter Balanced Assessments in grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10 for the first time. Because it’s a new assessment the reporting features are different than what parents/guardians are used to seeing on the CMT and CAPT test. You will be receiving individualized student reports for the grade levels listed (during the 2014-2015 school year) the week of September 21st.
Because it’s a new assessment we would like to offer a parent information session to learn about the Smarter Balanced state assessment. The topics for the session include:
- The purpose of the Smarter Balanced assessment;
- The connection between the Smarter Balanced assessment and the district’s curriculum;
- Explanation of the content and format of the assessment;
- Understanding the achievement levels and feedback given to students and parents; and
- Resources for families to support their childAny parent/guardian is welcome to attend and we encourage any parent/guardian of a student who took the test last spring to attend. We will be taping the session, so if you cannot attend, you can view it on BEtv’ Video on Demand page. The date/times of the sessions are as follows:
Smarter Balanced Assessment Parent Information Sessions
September 21, 2015
6:00 PM Elementary – Smarter Balanced Assessment Parent Information Session at Johnson School
7:00 PM BMS/BHS – Smarter Balanced Assessment Parent Information Session at Middle School
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