Report by Paula Antolini, August 5, 2021, 4:12PM EDT
Message from Dr. Christine L. Carver, Superintendent of Bethel Schools, August 3, 2021:
I hope you are having an enjoyable summer! As we get closer to the start of school, we wanted
to provide you with some updates related to the 2021-2022 school year. Our goal is to keep our
schools open and our students and staff safe and healthy.
Last week I sent you the Department of Public Health Opening guidance for mitigation
strategies. In the meantime, with the spike in cases due to the Delta variant, we anticipate that
there will be some revisions based on the increases in cases in Connecticut. All information
below is based on requirements as of August 2, 2021. Yale medicine provided an overview
of why this variant is more serious.
Here are some differences with the Delta variant:
- It is more contagious than previous variants.
- There are more breakthrough cases for vaccinated individuals. While the majority of
those cases have not resulted in serious illness, there is a concern about the impact of
those who have compromised immunities. - With this variant, vaccinated individuals have been found to carry more viral load and
may transmit to unvaccinated individuals.
We are starting to see an increase in cases in our Bethel community, among children and adults
due the Delta variant. Most cases are among unvaccinated individuals. Bethel’s current (as of
07/28/2021) vaccination rates for eligible residents (who have had at least one dose) is 61.87%
of the total eligible population. This rate is lower than many communities in Fairfield County. A
reminder that children under age 12 are not eligible to receive the vaccine. The Connecticut
Children’s Health Center provides a good summary of What parents should know about the
Delta Variant, Kids and Back to School?
Here are some updates related to the Opening of the 2021-2022 school year:
School Calendar & School Schedules
● The first day of school is Monday, August 30th.
● The school calendar can be found at this link.
● As has been previously communicated, districts do not have the authority to offer remote
learning for emergency weather (i.e., snow days) nor the ability to provide distance
● We will not be staggering the bell schedules for dismissals this year.
“Our Primary Purpose is to Improve Student Achievement.”
School Breakfast & Lunch programs
● A reminder that both breakfast and lunch will be provided free to all students,
regardless of income levels.
● We will be resuming lunch in the cafeteria for the fall. Breakfast will be grab and go in
classrooms (K-8) and grab and go as well as in the cafeteria at Bethel High School.
● We will be resuming the option to purchase snacks at all schools.
Social Distancing
● Maintain at least 3 feet of physical distance in classrooms, when feasible with available
space. Bethel Public Schools will attempt to maintain that distance in classrooms and
cafeterias where feasible.
Ventilation Systems & Cleaning
● Consistent with DPH guidance, all ventilation filters will be changed prior to school and
according to recommended schedules.
● Cleaning and disinfection practices will reflect updated guidance.
Direct Contact, Quarantine, and School Exposures
● The definition of a Direct Contact has changed for students. A Direct Contact for
unvaccinated students is to be within 3 feet (formerly 6 feet) for 15 minutes or more.
Unvaccinated students who are identified as a Direct Contact will be asked to
● Direct Contacts who are asked to quarantine must do so for seven (7) days with a
negative COVID test result on day 5 OR for ten (10) days. As we get closer to the start
of the year, schools will be providing families with information regarding academic
support and access to assignments for students who are asked to quarantine.
● Vaccinated students do not need to be quarantined as long as they remain
asymptomatic, this includes athletics. This is why it is important to update your child’s
health records if they have received the Pfizer vaccine. Please simply take a photo or a
copy of their vaccination card and provide it to your child’s school nurse.
● Any student or staff who tests positive for COVID, regardless of vaccination status and
even if asymptomatic will be prohibited from attending school/work.
● We will continue our practice of maintaining our COVID website with school exposures.
It will be updated in real-time. Parents will be notified if there is an exposure within the
school by email. If your child is a direct contact, you will be notified by phone.
● We will resume our practices related to visitors and volunteers in the schools.
● All visitors and volunteers will be required to follow school mitigation procedures.
Face Coverings/Mask Use
● There is a federal order (CDC) that requires mask use on public transportation.
Therefore, masks will be required on all school buses, regardless of vaccination status.
● There is a current executive order which requires mask wearing in school buildings. The
executive order extends through September for both vaccinated and unvaccinated
individuals. As this is an evolving situation, we anticipate updated guidance on the
requirements for the use of masks in the next few weeks.
● Masks will not be required outdoors.
Teacher Assignments/Student Schedules
● As communicated on Friday, to view your student’s schedule and assigned teacher(s)
you need to complete the student demographic forms for each Bethel Public Schools
student in your family. We are requesting that you complete the forms no later than
Friday, August 20, 2021.
Transportation – Bus Routes 2021-2022
● The 2021-2022 Bus Routes will be posted on the district website the week prior to the
first day of school under “Departments” on the menu bar and then Transportation
Information or click here 2021-2022 Bus Routes. Please check the routes when they are
posted just prior to the beginning of this school year.
After School Activities/Intramurals/Arts/Athletics
● We expect to run all fall athletic events in a full season.
● We are planning to resume all “normal” after school activities and intramurals.
● We are waiting for official guidance on resuming music programs, but anticipate that we
can resume many of our in-person music lessons.
We appreciate your cooperation and support. We also appreciate your flexibility as
guidance/requirements evolve. We will be sending out a separate communication on how we
plan to use our Federal stimulus money to support our students. In addition, we are in the
process of updating our All Hazards Safety and Security Plan to submit to the Department of
Homeland Security. We will provide you with updates to our plan. Lastly, in the next few weeks
we will be providing an update on our renovations.
I hope you enjoy the last few weeks with your family. If you have any questions, do not hesitate
to contact me at [email protected].