Report by Paula Antolini
October 31, 2017 6:00AM EDT
Bethel Public Schools Are Open on October 31st
Messages from Dr. Christine Carver:
There WILL BE school for BPS on 10/31. Power Restored. See email for information regarding buses and road closures.
BPS will be on a regular schedule on 10/31. Power restored!
The School Bus Depot now has power. You can resume calling normal number if there are issues.
Tue, Oct 31, 2017 4:43 am
Dear Parents/Guardians,
As a result of the weather Sunday into Monday, our Transportation Depot for our school buses is without power and likely will be for a few days. Therefore, they be working out of Central Office. If you have a bus related issue, please call 203-794-8071 or203-794-8604. We will let you know when the power has been restored to the Depot and you can resume calling that number. In addition, if your road is closed please walk your child to the nearest safe intersection. Please note, that buses may have to reroute due to road closures causing delays.
If you drive your child, traffic lights are still out and you should drive with caution.
We thank you for your flexibility.
Christine Carver, Ed. D.
Superintendent of Schools
UPDATE October 31,2017 8:08AM EDT:
EVERSOURCE still lists 1897 Bethel customers without power of 8515 Bethel customers served, which is 22%.
Total Eversource Customers Served in CT: 1,266,357
Total Eversource Customer Outages in CT: 57,791
Percentage of Eversource Customers Affected in CT: 5%
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