Legal Notices published in print newspapers for the Town of Bethel, CT.
Report by Paula Antolini
May 24, 2015 1:46PM EDT
INVITATION TO BID FOR A Food Service Management program
INVITATION TO BID FOR A Food Service Management program for the Bethel Public Schools. Sealed bids will be accepted by the Bethel Board of Education, 1 School Street, P.O. Box 253, Bethel, Connecticut 06801, on or before Thursday, June 18, 2015 until 11 a.m. Bids will be publicly opened and read on June 18, 2015 immediately following the 11 a.m. time they are due. A mandatory pre-bid conference will be held on Thursday, May 21, 2015 at 2 p.m. at Bethel High School, 300 Whittlesey Drive, Bethel, CT. A tour of the facilities will immediately follow the conference. Bid specifications can be obtained from: Theresa D. Yonsky Director of Fiscal Services 1 School Street P.O. Box 253 Bethel, CT 06801 Tel. No. (203) 794-8603
Appeared in: News-Times on Sunday, 05/17/2015
STATE OF CT. SUPERIOR COURT Connecticut Superior Court J
STATE OF CT. SUPERIOR COURT Connecticut Superior Court J. D. of New Haven at New Haven Ludvig, Angelina v Tate, John NOTICE TO: TATE, JOHN The Court has reviewed the Motion for Order of Notice and the complaint/application/motion which asks for: Divorce (dissolution of marriage). The Court finds that the current address of the party to be notified is unknown and that all reasonable efforts to find him/her have failed. The Court also finds that the last known address of the party to be notified was 16 Birch Drive, Bethel, CT 06801. THE COURT ORDERS that notice be given to the party by placing a legal notice in the News Times a newspaper circulating in Bethel, CT, containing a true and attested copy of this Order of Notice and, if accompanying an Application for custody or visitation, a statement that Automatic Court Orders have been issued in the case as required by Section 25-5 of the Connecticut Practice Book and are a part of the Complaint/Application on file with the Court. The Notice should appear before 5/28/15 for one time publication, and proof of service shall be filed with this Court. Superior Court Assistant Clerk: Nancy Bauer, 4/30/15. A True Copy Attest Lonnie W. Barnes, Jr. State Marshal, New Haven County
Appeared in: News-Times on Thursday, 05/21/2015
LEGAL NOTICE At the May 12th 2015 meeting of the Bethel
LEGAL NOTICE At the May 12th 2015 meeting of the Bethel Planning & Zoning Commission the following decisions was rendered: Approved : Map Amendment White Acre of Bethel Grand Street Map 22 Block 16 Lot 74 RMO to Village Center ( VC) Site Plan/ Special Permit White Acre of Bethel Grand Street Map 22 Block 16 Lot 74 Text Amendment Section 8.11 to include a moratorium on crematory From 5/12/15 to 5/12/16 Effective 5/12/15 Text Amendment Section 4.3.C.10a Eliminate Crematory Effective 5/12/15 Dated this 18th day of May 2015 at Bethel, Connecticut. Pat Rist ,Chairman
Appeared in: News-Times on Monday, 05/18/2015
LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC AUCTION In accordance with Connecticut
LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC AUCTION In accordance with Connecticut General Statutes, a public auction consisting of miscellaneous personal property, furniture and household goods will be held at Stor-It-All, Inc., 27 Henry St, Bethel, CT 06801 at 9:30 am on Wednesday, June 10, 2015. Stor-It-All, Inc. reserves the right to cancel a sale at any time, for any reason. Since due notice has been given to the owners and all parties known to claim an interest therein, you are each notified your personal property will be sold unless all storage and related charges are paid in full. 37 – Susan Medeiros 52 – Joann C. Lilley aka Joann Lilley 125 – Katherine Lee Torres aka Katherine Torres 139 – Peter W. Oliver Items to be sold as is, no warranty is expressed or implied. Items to be more specifically described at time of sale. Terms of payment: CASH or CERTIFIED CHECK. Stor-It-All, Inc., P.O. Box 1105, Canaan, CT 06018. 05/22/15; 05/29/15
Appeared in: News-Times on Friday, 05/22/2015
Connecticut Institute For Communities, Inc. LEGAL NOTICE
Connecticut Institute For Communities, Inc. LEGAL NOTICE Connecticut Institute For Communities, Inc. (CIFC) is seeking qualifications from individuals/firms to provide construction management services for four (4) building renovation projects in Danbury, Connecticut. A summary of qualifications prepared in accordance with this Request for Qualifications must be submitted by 4PM EDT on Friday, June 19, 2015 at the CIFC Office at 7 Old Sherman Turnpike, Suite 200, Danbury, CT 06810. Proposals received after the above time will not be accepted. One original and two (2) copies of the proposal(s) must be submitted in a sealed envelope labeled “Request for Qualifications, Construction Manager, Project #CIFC-2015-03.” CIFC reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals and to waive any informalities in the process, if such actions are in the best interest of CIFC. CIFC does business in accordance with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations. CIFC is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer. Minority/Women’s business Enterprises are encouraged to apply. To obtain a copy of the Request for Qualifications, please contact: Connecticut Institute For Communities, Inc. ATTN: Sabrina Ross, Administrative Coordinator 7 Old Sherman Turnpike, Suite 200 Danbury, CT 06810 Telephone: 203-743-9760 ext 200 Email: [email protected]
Appeared in: News-Times on Wednesday, 05/20/2015
INVITATION TO BID Sealed Bids will be received by the
INVITATION TO BID Sealed Bids will be received by the Purchasing Agent of the City of Danbury at the Purchasing Agent’s Office, City Hall, Danbury, CT until 10:00 A.M. on Thursday, June 11, 2015 for: Bid #05-14-15-01 “Generator and Service Replacements at City of Danbury Public Works Complex” A mandatory Pre-Bid Conference for bidders will be held at 1:30 PM on Tuesday, May 26, 2015 at Forestry Dept. Office, Bldg. #2, in the Public Works Complex, 53 Newtown, Rd, Danbury, CT. Bids from contractors who do not attend this mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will not be considered. Specifications may be obtained at the Purchasing Agent’s Office, City Hall, 155 Deer Hill Avenue, Danbury, CT 06810, (203) 797-4571. The City of Danbury is an equal opportunity and affirmative action purchaser, and bids from all vendors, including those from enterprises owned by minorities and women, are encouraged. The City of Danbury reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Bids, and unless specified otherwise, to award the contract within thirty working days to the Bidder deemed to be for the best interest of the City of Danbury. Dated: May 11, 2015 Charles J. Volpe, Jr., Purchasing Agent City of Danbury
Appeared in: News-Times on Tuesday, 05/12/2015
INVITATION TO BID Sealed Bids will be received by the
INVITATION TO BID Sealed Bids will be received by the Purchasing Agent of the City of Danbury at the Purchasing Agent’s Office, City Hall, Danbury, CT until 10:00 A.M. on: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 for: Bid #05-14-15-07 “Valves & Fittings – Public Utilities” Specifications may be obtained at the Purchasing Agent’s Office, City Hall, 155 Deer Hill Avenue, Danbury, CT 06810, (203) 797-4571. The City of Danbury is an equal opportunity and affirmative action purchaser, and bids from all vendors, including those from enterprises owned by minorities and women, are encouraged. The City of Danbury reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Bids, and unless specified otherwise, to award the contract within thirty working days to the Bidder deemed to be for the best interest of the City of Danbury. Dated: May 12, 2015 Charles J. Volpe, Jr. Purchasing Agent City of Danbury
Appeared in: News-Times on Wednesday, 05/13/2015
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOOD SERVICE MANAGEMENT June 16, 2015 The DANBURY PUBLIC SCHOOLS is accepting proposals for a FOOD SERVICE MANAGEMENT CONTRACT for the School District until 10:00 A.M. on June 16, 2015. At this time proposals will be opened in the administrative offices located at: 63 Beaver Brook Road, Danbury, CT 06810 All proposals must be clearly marked on envelope: FOOD SERVICES PROPOSAL – JUNE 16, 2015 and should be sent to: Danbury Public School Administrative Center ATTN: Joseph D. Martino 63 Beaver Brook Road, Danbury, CT 06810 Proposals may be submitted up to 10:00 A.M. on June 16, 2015. Any proposals submitted after that time will be disqualified and returned. Formal bid packets are available by contacting Ann Adriani at 203-797-4715, or email at [email protected]. Questions concerning the proposal may be directed to Joseph D. Martino, Director of Finance at 203-797-4703. At the time designated by Danbury Public Schools, all proposals will be opened in the administrative offices located at 63 Beaver Brook Road, Danbury CT. The Danbury Public School District reserves the right to reject any and/or all proposals received or any parts thereof for any reason whatsoever, to waive any informality in any proposal or in any provision in the request for proposals, to require a modification of the contract terms at any time, and to select the bidder who, in the opinion of the District, will meet the best interests of the District, provided that nothing herein shall be deemed to waive any requirement of federal, state or local law. Under no circumstances will the district be responsible for the cost of preparing any bid or proposal. The Danbury Public Schools reserves the right to waive any and all guidelines herein and to reject any and all proposals if considered to be in the best interests of the School District.
Appeared in: News-Times on Wednesday, 05/20/2015
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOOD SERVICE MANAGEMENT June 16, 2015 The DANBURY PUBLIC SCHOOLS is accepting proposals for a FOOD SERVICE MANAGEMENT CONTRACT for the School District until 10:00 A.M. on June 16, 2015. At this time proposals will be opened in the administrative offices located at: 63 Beaver Brook Road, Danbury, CT 06810 All proposals must be clearly marked on envelope: FOOD SERVICES PROPOSAL – JUNE 16, 2015 and should be sent to: Danbury Public School Administrative Center ATTN: Joseph D. Martino 63 Beaver Brook Road, Danbury, CT 06810 Proposals may be submitted up to 10:00 A.M. on June 16, 2015. Any proposals submitted after that time will be disqualified and returned. Formal bid packets are available by contacting Ann Adriani at 203-797-4715, or email at [email protected]. Questions concerning the proposal may be directed to Joseph D. Martino, Director of Finance at 203-797-4703. At the time designated by Danbury Public Schools, all proposals will be opened in the administrative offices located at 63 Beaver Brook Road, Danbury CT. The Danbury Public School District reserves the right to reject any and/or all proposals received or any parts thereof for any reason whatsoever, to waive any informality in any proposal or in any provision in the request for proposals, to require a modification of the contract terms at any time, and to select the bidder who, in the opinion of the District, will meet the best interests of the District, provided that nothing herein shall be deemed to waive any requirement of federal, state or local law. Under no circumstances will the district be responsible for the cost of preparing any bid or proposal. The Danbury Public Schools reserves the right to waive any and all guidelines herein and to reject any and all proposals if considered to be in the best interests of the School District.
Appeared in: News-Times on Tuesday, 05/19/2015
INVITATION TO BID Sealed Bids for Bid No. 05-14-15-05
INVITATION TO BID Sealed Bids for Bid No. 05-14-15-05, “Danbury Fire Training Facility – Phase 1”, Danbury, CT, Project No. 14-29 will be received at Danbury City Hall, Purchasing Agent’s office, 155 Deer Hill Ave., Danbury, CT 06810 until 10:00 A.M., Thursday, June 11, 2015. Prior to the public opening of the bids, any bid submitted may be withdrawn by the bidder if said bidder discovers mathematical or clerical errors in his bid. Any such bid withdrawal may be made without penalty or prejudice. After the bids are opened, all offers will be considered firm for a period of ninety days and no bid may be withdrawn for any reason during that period except for such cause as the City of Danbury in its sole discretion deems sufficient. All inquires shall be submitted in writing to the Purchasing Agent, via email to [email protected], no later than 3 PM on June 2, 2015. Work consists of all labor, tools, materials and equipment necessary to complete Phase 1 – design-build construction of a new 6,200 square feet pre-engineered metal building including miscellaneous site work, concrete, under slab piping and related work and materials. A bid bond in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid shall accompany each bid. A non-collusion statement for Prime Contractors and any addendum acknowledgment must also be submitted at the time of the bid. A performance, labor and materials bond in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the accepted bid will be required. Plans and specifications (Contract Documents) may be obtained at the Purchasing Agent’s office, City Hall, 155 Deer Hill Avenue, Danbury, Connecticut 06810. Bidders may obtain complete sets of plans and specifications for a nonrefundable payment of one hundred dollars ($50.00) per set. The City of Danbury is an equal opportunity and affirmative action purchaser and bids from all vendors, including those from enterprises owned by minorities and women, are encouraged. The City of Danbury reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to award the contract to the bidder deemed to be for its best interest. Dated: May 19, 2015 Charles J. Volpe, Jr. Purchasing Agent
Appeared in: News-Times on Wednesday, 05/20/2015
Legal Notice Request for Proposal The Town of New
Legal Notice Request for Proposal The Town of New Fairfield invites all interested parties to submit sealed proposals for “Lead Based Paint Consulting Services & Title Search Services for the Housing Rehabilitation Grant Program.” Proposals will be opened on Friday, May 29, 2015 at 10:00 A.M. EST. No Proposals will be received after this time. Terms and conditions as well as the description of items are stated in the specifications. Specifications may be obtained at the following address. Town of New Fairfield, Finance Office, 3 Brush Hill Road, New Fairfield, CT 06812, 203-312-5653 or Lisa Low & Associates 203-888-5624 or at the Town website www.newfairfield.org. Reference the Proposal Name, on envelopes while submitting your proposal. If it becomes necessary to revise any part of the RFP or these Specifications or otherwise provide additional information, an addendum will be issued by the Owner and published on the Town of New Fairfield website. It is the sole responsibility of the Vendor to consult the Purchasing Department or Town website (Invitation to Proposal section) prior to submittal of their final qualifications for any addendums to this request. Proposals must be received by the Purchasing Agent, Patty Mota at the address stated above. The Town of New Fairfield is an equal opportunity and affirmative action purchaser, SBE/WBE/MBE Firms and Section 3 Designated Firms are encouraged to apply. Dated May 21, 2015
Appeared in: News-Times on Saturday, 05/23/2015
NOTE: This is a list of some recent notices and is not a complete list of all notices, please check with the town of Bethel (or other towns listed) for more information.
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