Legal Notices published in print newspapers for the Town of Bethel, CT.
Report by Paula Antolini
March 3, 2017 7:53AM EDT
Bethel Legal Notices: Feb. 2 – Mar. 2, 2017, Upcoming Public Hearings. Wooster Street Property, Zoning Change, More
Full Notices:
LEGAL NOTICE To appear in the News Times March 3rd and
LEGAL NOTICE To appear in the News Times March 3rd and March 10th 2017 The Bethel Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on March 14th 2017, at 7:00pm in the Municipal Center, Meeting Room D, 1 School Street, Bethel Connecticut to hear the application of Mary English, for property located at 55 Greenwood Ave for a special permit in the village district zone to approve under section 5.4.C.3 an existing 2 story garage as an accessory dwelling unit. This property can be found in the Tax Assessor’s Office as Map 31, Block 42, and Lot 36. At this hearing interested persons will be heard and written communications will be received. Plans are available for perusal in the Land Use Office. Connecticut. Parking for hearing is located in the rear of the building. Dated this 3rd day of March 2017. Pat Rist Chairman
Appeared in: News-Times on Thursday, 03/02/2017
LEGAL NOTICE FORECLOSURE BY AUCTION SALE Docket No. DBD-CV15-6018401 Connecticut Housing Finance Authority v. Carroll, Tyrone, et al Property address: 42 Kayview Ave, Bethel CT Property type: residential Date of sale: March 11, 2017 Committee name: Gregory Smith Committee phone number: (413) 822-3040 See Foreclosure Sales at www.jud.ct.gov for more detailed information
Appeared in: News-Times on Thursday, 03/02/2017
LEGAL NOTICE To appear in the News Times March 3rd and
LEGAL NOTICE To appear in the News Times March 3rd and March 10th 2017 The Bethel Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on March 14th 2017, at 7:00pm in the Municipal Center, Meeting Room D, 1 School Street, Bethel Connecticut to hear the application of Codfish Hill Construction LLC, for property located at 75 1/2 Wooster Street for a Zone Change from RR-10 to the DCD Overlay Zone. In conjunction with the above a site plan/special permit is submitted for construction of 18 multifamily dwelling units on 5.5 acres of property. This property can be found in the Tax Assessor’s Office as Map 21, Block 72, and Lot 19. At this hearing interested persons will be heard and written communications will be received. Plans are available for perusal in the Land Use Office. Connecticut. Parking for hearing is located in the rear of the building. Dated this 3rd day of March 2017. Pat Rist Chairman
Appeared in: News-Times on Thursday, 03/02/2017
LEGAL NOTICE FORECLOSURE BY AUCTION SALE Docket No. DBD-CV15-6018401 Connecticut Housing Finance Authority v. Carroll, Tyrone, et al Property address: 42 Kayview Ave, Bethel CT Property type: residential Date of sale: March 11, 2017 Committee name: Gregory Smith Committee phone number: (413) 822-3040 See Foreclosure Sales at www.jud.ct.gov for more detailed information
Appeared in: News-Times on Thursday, 03/02/2017
LEGAL NOTICE FORECLOSURE AUCTION SALE Docket No. DBD-CV-16-6019399S Case Name: Union Savings Bank vs. Stanford A. Smith, Jr., Executor/Estate of Stanford Allen Smith, Sr., et al Property Address: 7 West Wooster Street, Danbury, CT Property Type: Residential Date of Sale: Saturday, March 11, 2017 Committee Name: Laura A. Goldstein Committee Phone No.: 203-744-2150 See Foreclosure Sales at www.jud.ct.gov for more detailed information.
Appeared in: News-Times on Thursday, 03/02/2017
WARNING NOTICE OF SPECIAL TOWN MEETING – TOWN OF BETHEL, CT The Legal Voters of the Town of Bethel, Connecticut, and those persons entitled to vote therein, are notified to assemble at a Special Town Meeting to be held in the Clifford J. Hurgin Municipal Center Meeting Room “A”, 1 School Street, Bethel, Connecticut 06801 on Tuesday, March 7, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. for the following purpose, to wit: 1.) To consider and take action upon resolutions approved by the Board of Selectmen and the Board of Finance, to fund an amount not to exceed One Hundred Forty Thousand Dollars ($140,000.00) for preliminary expenses referred to as the “Stage 2 / Pre Referendum Costs” for the Rockwell and Johnson School Renovation Projects. Said funding for the preliminary expenses shall come from the Town’s Fund Balance. 2.) To take any and all action legally necessary or appropriate to accomplish the above intended results. Dated at Bethel, Connecticut, this 7th day of February 2017 BETHEL BOARD OF SELECTMEN Matthew S. Knickerbocker, First Selectman Richard C. Straiton, Selectman Paul R. Szatkowski, Selectman
Appeared in: News-Times on Friday, 02/24/2017
Public Notice to Bus and Taxi Operators Ability Beyond is
Public Notice to Bus and Taxi Operators Ability Beyond is applying for a capital grant under Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities of the Federal transit Act, as amended in the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century [Map-21] legislation, to replace vehicles to be used in meeting the special transportation needs of individuals with disabilities in the greater Danbury area. Any interested transit or paratransit operator in the proposed service area may review the proposed application by contacting Grants Manager Danielle Capalbo at 4 Berkshire Boulevard, Bethel, CT 06801 or (203) 826-3174. A public hearing will be held if requested by interested parties. Any comments should then be sent to Ability Beyond with a copy to Housatonic Area Regional Transit.
Appeared in: News-Times on Monday, 02/20/2017
PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Remediation JAMM Real Estate LLC
PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Remediation JAMM Real Estate LLC hereby gives notice pursuant to CGS 22a-134a(i) that remediation will be completed at the Establishment known as “Blackstone Industries “, 16 Stony Hill Road, Bethel, CT. The site will be remediated by Greenstar Environmental Solutions, LLC in accordance with the remediation standards. Greenstar Environmental Solutions, LLC will complete a soil excavation to remove soil outside the building and an Environmental Land Use Restriction will be established to address soil beneath the building. Any questions or comments should be directed in writing to Greenstar Environmental Solutions, LLC, 6 Gellatly Drive, Wappingers Falls, New York, 12590, or via phone at 845-223-9944. All written comments received within 45 days of publication of this notification will be submitted to the Commissioner of Environmental Protection.
Appeared in: News-Times on Thursday, 02/02/2017
NOTE: This is a list of some recent notices and is not a complete list of all notices, please check with the town of Bethel (or other towns listed) for more information.
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