Legal Notices published in print newspapers for the Town of Bethel, CT.
Report by Paula Antolini
February 16, 2016 12:25PM EDT
Bethel Legal Notices: Aug. 12 – Sept. 13, 2016, Upcoming Public Hearings P&Z, Inland Wetlands, Zoning Board of Appeals, Board of Assessment Appeals/Motor Vehicles
Full Notices:
NOTICE OF NAMES OF PERSONS APPEARING AS OWNERS OF CERTAIN UNCLAIMED PROPERTY HELD BY COUNTRY BANK OF NEW YORK NY. The following persons appear from our records to be entitled to unclaimed property consisting of cash amounts of fifty dollars or more. AMOUNTS DUE ON DEPOSIT John W Szewczuk Jennifer Szewczuk 7 Hearthstone Drive Bethel CT 06801 A report of unclaimed amounts of money or other property will be made to the State Comptroller of Connecticut, and that a listing of names of persons appearing to be entitled is on file and open to public inspection at Country Bank. Such held amounts of money or other property will be paid or delivered to proven entitled parties by Country Bank through October 31. On or before November 10, any remaining unclaimed monies or other properties will be paid or delivered to the State Comptroller.
Appeared in: News-Times on Tuesday, 09/13/2016
LEGAL NOTICE The Town of Bethel Inland Wetlands
LEGAL NOTICE The Town of Bethel Inland Wetlands Regulations have undergone a comprehensive review and formatting process to make them user friendly to the General Public. A public hearing will be held in Meeting Room D of the Bethel Municipal Center on September 26th 2016 at 7:00pm. Comments are welcome or email land use @ bethel-ct. A copy of the regulations are available for review in the Land Use Office, The Office of the Town Clerk or The Town of Bethels web site: www.bethel-ct.gov. Dated this 10th day of September 2016, at Bethel, Connecticut. Don Goodrich Chairman
Appeared in: News-Times on Saturday, 09/10/2016
Legal Notice The Bethel Planning & Zoning Commission will
Legal Notice The Bethel Planning & Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on September 13th 2016 at 7:00pm, in Riordan Room D, Bethel Municipal Center, 1 School Street, Bethel, Connecticut to hear the application of TD and Sons, Inc., for a subdivision at 23 Payne Road to create 3 separate lots in an R-20 Zone, and found in the Tax Assessor’s records as Map 48 Block 82 Lot 66. At this hearing interested persons will be heard and written communications will be received. Maps are available for perusal at the Land Use Office. Dated this 12nd day of September 2016. Pat Rist Chairman
Appeared in: News-Times on Friday, 09/09/2016
PUBLIC NOTICE The Bethel Public Schools do not
PUBLIC NOTICE The Bethel Public Schools do not discriminate in any employment practice, education program, or educational activity on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, ancestry, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, genetic information, protected veteran status or any other basis prohibited by law. The Bethel Public Schools provide equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Inquiries regarding the Bethel Public Schools nondiscrimination policies should be directed to: Title IX District Coordinator Dr. Kristen Brooks Assistant Superintendent 1 School Street Bethel, CT 06801 Phone: (203) 794-8613 email: [email protected] Section 504 – District Coordinator Mrs. Susan Budris Director of Special Education and Pupil Services 1 School Street Bethel, CT 06801 Phone: (203) 794-8616 email: [email protected]
Appeared in: News-Times on Friday, 08/26/2016
LEGAL NOTICE At the August 9th 2016 meeting of the Bethel
LEGAL NOTICE At the August 9th 2016 meeting of the Bethel Planning & Zoning Commission the following decision was rendered: Approved : Work Space Academy 16-18 Trowbridge Drive Special permit for use Text Amendment Section 5.9 Neighborhood Services Overlay Zone Effective September 1, 2016 Map Amendment NSOD Overlay Zone 120A thru 124 Putnam Park Rd Effective September 1, 2016 NEMCO 120A thru 124 Putnam Park Rd Site Plan for renovations Bethel Forward Master Plan Report Amendment to the Town of Bethel POCD Dated July 18th 2016; effective September 1st 2016 Dated this 15th day of August at Bethel Ct. Pat Rist Chairman
Appeared in: News-Times on Monday, 08/15/2016
Town of Bethel, CT LEGAL NOTICE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Bethel will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, September 20th, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. in Conference Room D, Bethel Municipal Center, 1 School Street, Bethel Connecticut to hear the following: 16-08 :Anthony & Mirella Deluca, 37 Maple Avenue Variance of Sec. 3.4.1.b Minimum lot frontage; Sec. 3.4.1.c minimum lot width; Sec.3.4.1.d min. square dimension; Sec. 3.2.b.1 single family dwelling per lot (Parcel A); Sec. 3.3.A.2 No accessory building shall be used as a dwelling unit. 16-09: Timothy Draper, 47 Shelley Road Variance of Sec. 3.2.C.2.a to have less than 160,00 s.f. for a rear lot; Sec. 3.2.C.2.e to create three contiguous accessways to three rear lots. Plans are on file in the Planning & Zoning Department, 1 School Street, Bethel, Connecticut. Richard Lawlor Chairman Dated September 9th, 2016 at Bethel, Connecticut.
Appeared in: News-Times on Friday, 09/09/2016
SEPTEMBER MEETING BOARD OF ASSESSMENT APPEALS TOWN OF BETHEL All owners of motor vehicles registered in the Town of Bethel are hereby warned that the Board of Assessment Appeals of the Town of Bethel will meet in open session at the Clifford J. Hurgin Municipal Center, 1 School Street Meeting Room B on September 12, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. and September 14, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. for the sole purpose of hearing appeals related to the assessment of motor vehicles. All persons claiming to be aggrieved by the doings of the assessor of the Town of Bethel with regard to motor vehicles assessment on the Grand list of October 1, 2015 are hereby warned to make their appeal to the Board of Assessment Appeals at this meeting. BOARD OF ASSESSMENT APPEALS A.J. Bernard, Chairman
Appeared in: News-Times on Thursday, 09/08/2016
LEGAL NOTICE On August 15, 2016, the Town of Bethel
LEGAL NOTICE On August 15, 2016, the Town of Bethel Building Department, 1 School Street, Bethel, Connecticut 06801 received an application for a Demolition Permit. The proposal is to demolish two (2) structures located at 122 Putnam Park Road and 124 Putnam Park Road, Bethel Connecticut 06801. The proposal is to demolish one (1) residential building, constructed in 1900, located at 122 Putnam Park Road, and listed on the Town of Bethel Assessor’s records as on Map 43, Block 47A, Lot 182. The proposal to demolish also includes one (1) commercial building, constructed in 1930, located at 124 Putnam Park Road, and listed on the Town of Bethel Assessor’s records as on Map 43, Block 47A, Lot 183. The properties are owned by NEMCO Limited Partnership, P. O. Box 186, 7 Federal Road, Danbury, CT 06813; who will notify property owners within 100 feet of their intent to demolish by certified and registered letters and provide proof to the Building Department of the successful delivery of said letters or the owner’s attempt to deliver said letters. Due to the age of these buildings, a ninety day waiting period is in effect beginning on the date of first publication of this legal notice. If no written objections are received by the Building Department within thirty (30) days of the first publication of this notice, the Building Official has the option of waiving the last sixty (60) days of this waiting period, and granting the permit at that time. Dated this 16th day of August, 2016. NEMCO Limited Partnership Property Owners
Appeared in: News-Times on Thursday, 08/25/2016
LEGAL NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE AUCTION SALE Docket No. DBD-CV-09-6001739-S; Case Name: WELLS FARGO BANK, NA V. MARGARET WHELTON, ET AL Property Address: 67 Dodgingtown Road, Bethel, CT 06801 Property Type: Residential Date of Sale: September 3, 2016 Committee Name: Michael R. Kaufman, Esq. Committee Phone Number: (203) 744-1313 See Foreclosure Sales at www.jud.ct.gov for more detailed information
Appeared in: News-Times on Friday, 08/26/2016
NOTE: This is a list of some recent notices and is not a complete list of all notices, please check with the town of Bethel (or other towns listed) for more information.
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