Legal Notices published in print newspapers for the Town of Bethel, CT.
Report by Paula Antolini
January 22, 2017 7:24PM EDT
Bethel Legal Notice: Inland Wetlands Commission Public Hearing, Application of Codfish Hill Construction for 6-Building, 18-Unit Multi-Family Housing Development, Jan. 23rd
NOTICE: The Bethel Inland Wetlands Commission will hold a Public Hearing on January 23rd, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. in Meeting Room “D” of the Clifford J. Hurgin Municipal Center, 1 School Street, Bethel, CT, to hear the Application of Codfish Hill Construction, LLC, for a 6 building, 18 unit multi-family housing development located at 75 1/2 Wooster Street. Regulated activities are proposed for demolition of existing structures, new residential construction, bituminous pavement, and associated site and drainage improvements. This property can be found in the Tax Assessors’ records as Map 21, Block 72, Lot 19. At this hearing interested persons will be heard and written communication accepted. The application is available for review at the Land Use Department. Dated this 10th day of January at Bethel, Connecticut. Don Goodrich Inland Wetlands Commission Chairman
Appeared in: News-Times on Friday, 01/20/2017 and 01/13/2017
NOTE: This is a recent notice and is not a complete list of all notices, please check with the town of Bethel (or other towns listed) for more information.