Report by Paula Antolini, November 24, 2019, 9:59PM EDT

Following the raising of $2500 from many great people in Bethel and surrounding towns, and the Bethel Board of Selectmen’s decision this evening November 12th to allow all five applicant submissions to be present at PT Barnum Square, plans for a special event for December 22nd, 2019 can be shared.
During the evening of December 22nd, a celebration of the first night of Hanukkah along with a celebration of Yule and the Winter Solstice will take place at PT Barnum Square.
Open to the public, this most inclusive event will feature the lighting of the Menorah, traditional Hanukkah songs “Klezmer-style” and a presentation of traditional Yule festivity, drumming, song, and a Winter Solstice Celebration; a fire-free Yule Log will add to the festivities!
A limited number of Menorahs will be distributed with Hanukkah candles for those wishing to join in lighting their own Menorah, and being Jewish is NOT a prerequisite; wanting to share the light of the season, regardless of personal traditions, will make this a very special event.
This is a first for Bethel to enjoy additional and ancient traditions of Joy and Light never before celebrated in our Public Square.
Come to the Square just before 6PM on Sunday, December 22nd.
Happy Hanukkah / Blessed Yule
Bill Hillman
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