Report by Paula Antolini
February 14, 2017 11:43AM EDT
Bethel Business Seminar and Showcase, Opportunities for Your Business in CT, Feb. 21st
Representatives from the Small Business Development Center, CT Department of Labor, and the CT Department of Economic and Community Development are coming to Bethel on Tuesday, February 21st to present and talk to businesses one-on-one about how they can help them grow. This is a unique event developed with the state to support local businesses.
The FREE event will run from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. and will be held in the Bethel Municipal Center, 1 School Street, Bethel CT.
Participants will listen to presentations from 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. by:
Jim Hanchrow, Corporate Aviators – Employee Misclassification – What are the risks to you company?
Nelson Merchan, CT Small Business Center – How the SBDC can help your business grow.
Michelle Caffe, CT Department of Labor – Department of Labor programs that can help your business.
Barbara Fernandez, CT DECD, Business Development – Opportunities for your business in CT.
From 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. businesses will have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with a state representative and reserve a table to showcase their business and network with other businesses.
To *register: https://opportuntiesforyourbusinessinctseminar.eventbrite.com
*Registration deadline is February 17, 2017.
Editor note: The seminar information was just received by us today from Janice Chrzescijanek, Office of Economic Development, Town of Bethel, with today’s (Feb. 14) deadline date on poster (image below) for registration deadline, but RSVP date is actually Feb. 17th as indicated in her message to us.
Sponsored By: The Town of Bethel and Corporate Aviators
Questions: Email [email protected] or call Janice 203-794-8521
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