Report by Paula Antolini, May 9, 2022, 10:15AM EDT
There is presently much controversy over school curriculum, namely Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Critical Race Theory (CRT) and other problematic school topics, that finally there is an event where you can discuss this with other parents and citizens, and individuals representing schools too.
An event is planned in Bethel that you will not want to miss, an “OPEN FORUM discussion about “Social Emotional Learning” in our schools, sponsored and moderated by the Bethel Action Committee (BAC) and Bethel Independent Town Committee. Event is on May 16th at 7:00 p.m. in the General Purpose Room of the CJH Municipal Center, 1 School Street, Bethel, CT. The event will also be live streamed on the BAC YouTube channel.
Ask questions of the following panelists:
• Deborah G. Stevenson, Attorney – Constitutional, Appellate & Education Law
• Jackie Homan – Parent Advocate & Founder of Greenwich Patriots
• Kim Houlker Romero – 5th Grade Teacher and Bethel Resident
• Michael Costanza – 6th Grade Teacher & founder of Constitution State Educators
• Kevin J. Smith, Ph.D – Superintendent of Schools, Wilton
The event is free and all are welcome.
Paid for by the Bethel Action Committee and the Bethel Independent Town Committee.
