Sen. Boucher: What the Other Party Thinks about Me

Report by Paula Antolini
November 19, 2017 7:22PM EDT



Sen. Boucher: What the Other Party Thinks about Me

November 16, 2017

Dear Friends,

This week I received the unsolicited letter below from one of my Democratic constituents, Dr. Margaret Reed. I share it with you because it brings to life what motivates me to keep fighting the “good fight” and inspires my current exploration for Governor in 2018.

Dr. Margaret A Reed

Dear Toni,

It has come to my attention that you are considering a run for the Office of Governor. I hope you do it! As a member of the “other” party, there comes a time to put partisan politics aside and ” do the right thing”. Connecticut needs you to set us back on the right track. You will have my complete support should you run. In many ways you remind me of Ella Grasso. I truly felt she was one of the very best Governors this state has ever seen. Just remember, in the end, we will be judged by our integrity, dedication, commitment and courage. I believe you have all 4.

Thanks for all you do – I know at times it seems like a thankless job – but there is no doubt you have always tried to do what’s best for your District and the State.

All the best,
Peg Reed

What Dr. Reed’s sentiment demonstrates are the unique qualities that a Republican must posses to win over Democrats: specifically, the integrity, dedication, commitment and courage to fight for the changes our state needs. It’s because of these qualities that I’ve been able to win strong support from both parties and have been the highest vote getter of any contested state senator. And, make no mistake, this ability will be vital if we are to have the chance to win in a state where we as Republican are outnumbered 2:1.

If this message resonates with you, would you please consider making a contribution to Boucher for Connecticut by clicking on the secure “Donate” button below. While each individual may contribute up to $375, any donation up to that amount is appreciated and necessary for us to move forward. People 12-17 may give up to $30.

Thank you for your encouragement and support. Together we can build a better Connecticut!

Warmest Regards,

Toni Boucher
State Senator



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