First Selectman Knickerbocker’s Comments on Why You Should Vote for Him and Other Candidates’ Comments from Oct. 21st Forum

Knickerbocker: “I have a record of getting things done for the town … Nothing has gone over budget, things are on time. The only things that have been delayed are weather related, Hurricane Irene, Hurricane Sandy, and the two winter storms, pushed our road project back by about two to three roads each of those years.   But aside from that, everything’s been running on time, not a single project has been over-spent, and this is what I bring to town hall.  Now on top of that I also have a vision for the future which involves bringing in more businesses, economic development, pedestrian safety.”

Report and Photography by Paula Antolini
October 23, 2015 5:03PM EDT


Photo above: (Left to right) Democratic candidates Gary Passineau, First Selectman Matt Knickerbocker (incumbent), James Naddeo, Selectman Richard Straiton (incumbent), Sandi Forman (incumbent/alternate) and Don Goodrich (incumbent/Chairman).

First Selectman Knickerbocker’s Comments on Why You Should Vote for Him and Other Candidates’ Comments from Oct. 21st Forum

One of several planned Bethel Democrats Candidate Forums took place on Wednesday, October 21, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. at the Bethel Democrat Campaign Headquarters located at 106 Greenwood Avenue in Bethel, CT, and covered many topics.

This forum was to include the Planning & Zoning Commission (P&Z) candidates but some of the candidates could not attend.   However, candidates running for other offices were on hand to chat with residents, including First Selectman Matt Knickerbocker (incumbent First Selectman, seeking re-election), Selectman Richard Straiton (incumbent Selectman, seeking re-election), Sandi Forman (incumbent/alternate on Planning & Zoning, seeking re-election), James Naddeo (candidate for the Planning & Zoning Commission), Don Goodrich (incumbent/Chairman of Inlands/Wetlands Commission, seeking re-election), and Gary Passineau (candidate for the Zoning Board of Appeals/Alternate).  Attorneys Dave Olsen and Peter Olsen were also there, it seemed, to clarify points.


Photo above: (Left to right) Democratic candidates James Naddeo, Gary Passineau, Sandi Forman (incumbent/alternate) and Don Goodrich (incumbent/Chairman).

Even with the low turnout of only a handful of people, discussion was lively, covered many topics, and the meeting lasted well past the 8:30 planned ending.

Bethel Advocate asked First Selectman Matt Knickerbocker, “Why should anyone vote for you to keep you in office?”  First Selectman Knickerbocker answered, “I have a record of getting things done for the town.  I have thirty years business experience.  People have told me they want the town to run like a business, and bring that talent to town hall. We have produced twenty-six miles of road renovation in the last five years, and that is three times more than usual.  That literally means we’ve repaved more roads in the past five years than we did in the previous 12 to15, and that’s the truth. Nothing has gone over budget.  There’s some campaign literature out there that suggests otherwise.  Nothing has gone over budget, things are on time. The only things that have been delayed are weather related, Hurricane Irene, Hurricane Sandy, and the two winter storms, pushed our road project back by about two to three roads each of those years.   But aside from that, everything’s been running on time, not a single project has been over-spent, and this is what I bring to town hall.  Now on top of that I also have a vision for the future which involves bringing in more businesses, economic development, pedestrian safety.  We’ve been getting millions of dollars in grant money to improve our roads.  It is time, as we complete our road projects, that we start shifting to more sidewalks, because we have neighborhoods that have built up over the last 20 or 30 years, and they are isolated.  Moms can’t push their strollers, kids can’t ride bicycles downtown, it’s time to fix that. And, last but not least, I’m supporting the police station.  It’s time the men and women in blue, who do a great job for us, have the proper police station with which to do their work.  That’s why you should vote for me.


Photo above: Democratic candidate (incumbent) First Selectman Matt Knickerbocker.

Bethel Advocate also asked First Selectman Knickerbocker, “Resident Billy Michael asked a question at the last Bethel Forward meeting, and that question was, do the people of Bethel get to vote, have any say, other than the input they are giving now, that’s one thing, but do they have any part in the final process of saying ‘we want this in our town or we don’t’?  Is there any process for that?  First Selectman Knickerbocker answered, “No.”  Bethel Advocate asked, “Why not?”  He answered, “This is a Planning & Zoning exercise.  This is what they do under state law.  There’s no automatic referendum, there’s no town meeting. Planning and Zoning is going to adjust, theoretically, as this plan is developed.  Planning & Zoning is going to adjust the regulations to encourage development.”  “Change zoning and things like that?” Bethel Advocate asked.  Knickerbocker said, “Yes. And I have been approached by several of the property owners there who are extremely anxious to do this.  They love this idea and they think this would be a very good thing for them, for their property development, as well as the town.  Inasmuch as the Selectman’s office has no authority over this, I’ve redirected them back to Planning & Zoning Commission and into the planning office.  But ultimately, this is Planning & Zoning’s job.  Although there is a large effort to draw the public into this planning process, and get their input, ultimately this is just doing what Planning & Zoning always does.  They are going to set zoning regulations, and then they are going to review applications as they come forward.  That process never involves a town meeting or a referendum.


Photo above and two photos below: (Left to right) Democratic candidates (incumbents) First Selectman Matt Knickerbocker, and Selectman Richard Straiton.

Both First Selectman Knickerbocker and Selectman Straiton compared the scale of the Bethel Forward project to the past Stony Hill project.  Straiton said, “The plan of development that Planning & Zoning is required to do, I think it’s every ten years, and that is also coming up for the plan of the whole town, but this is one portion in the downtown district by the railroad tracks, to encourage people, younger people or older people, to use that.  So that’s the one area that they’re concentrating on.”   Knickerbocker added, “I would live there!”  Straiton continued, “But there’s a whole, other plan of development that will be redone in the near future for the whole town. Just as eight years ago they did a plan of development, that’s when they changed all the zoning up in Stony Hill, they didn’t want any big box stores, they wanted the smaller stores so they limited the size of the stores, and they allowed Maplewood’s to go in, the Copper Square to go in there, so that was a plan of development probably looked at eight years ago.”



Bethel Advocate asked First Selectman Knickerbocker and Selectman Straiton, “So you’re saying that on this big TOD project, it’s going to be looked at on an individual basis by the P&Z, eventually, a lot of people look at it, but the P&Z does their normal process?  What I am bringing to you is what the people are asking me, they’re really interested in why the P&Z  is deciding everything and they [residents] are giving you input now but they don’t have any say in the final decision.”  Knickerbocker replied, “This is how P&Z is structured.”    

Attorney Dave Olsen commented, “In the final decision they can not reelect the people who make decisions that they don’t like.”  Bethel Advocate answered, “So for two years or four years they have to abide by whatever these elected officials decided?  Attorney Dave Olsen shook his head yes. Attorney Peter Olsen said, “That’s the law.”


Photo above: (Left to right) Attorney Peter Olsen, Attorney Dave Olsen,and First Selectman Matt Knickerbocker.

Bethel Advocate asked candidate James Naddeo (candidate for the Planning & Zoning Commission), “Can you tell us why we should vote for you?” Naddeo answered, “Something that I hope to bring to the P&Z would be decisive decision making. I think that it’s important to have a vision for the future of Bethel and to make sure that we really are growing in the right way, thinking about maintaining open space and offering more diversity in housing, not just condos. I think we need to keep an eye on commercial development and attract businesses, and, you know, make sure that it is a place that everyone wants to continue to live moving forward.  I myself, I have two young kids, and you know, my wife is from here originally and we decided to move up here from Brooklyn.” Naddeo continued,”I want to make sure that this is a place that they can grow up in and that we can all be proud of because we want to establish roots here, so I want to make sure it’s a place that everyone in the community can enjoy.”

Bethel Advocate asked candidate Gary Passineau (candidate for the Zoning Board of Appeals/Alternate), “What will you contribute that will make things different in Bethel?” He replied, “Well when I first off got involved in civics here in Bethel in 2001, over the bonding issue for the Berry school and the Stony Hill Fire Department and the Library, I’m a member of the Library Board of Directors, I’m the Vice Chair there, and I’ve been looking forward to more opportunities to help the town. I’m a realtor with William Raveis Real Estate, been for eleven years.  I’m in the President’s Club there which designates them in the top ten of the company, so zoning and Board of Appeals things having to do with real estate is a natural thing to bring my talents to and I just want to help out the town of Bethel become a, continue to become a better place.”

Bethel Advocate asked candidate Sandi Forman (incumbent/alternate on Planning & Zoning, seeking re-election). “Are there any issues that really stayed with you in the past few years, that you were either on the commission or just listening as an alternate, that you felt made you a better person to run for this position?” Forman answered, “Well sure there were plenty of issues. We, in the last four years, had brought before us many developments that, Copper Square, the whole crematory issue, medical marijuana, we’ve had all kinds of different things, and every one of them brings a whole new set of issues and questions and possibilities and so just the experience of having been through those has made me more ready to deal with new things that will come up.”  Bethel Advocate asked, “So you feel that might set you apart from a candidate who has not been on the P&Z, would you say?”  Foreman replied, “Oh certainly, I certainly do.   Something about the P&Z is, it really does have a whole technical requirement to it. You have to do a lot of learning and not just things like architecture but things like drainage and just all the things that go along with zoning.  We’re doing the TOD, the Transit Oriented Development, and on the steering committee for that, and it may be one of the largest projects we do in a decade.  And it’s so interesting and the people that we hired are just so knowledgeable. They’re really bringing to us a whole bunch of things that we never even thought of (the many companies doing the study, Forman clarified).  Things like form-based zoning, or something that our town never really looked at, but will be looking at.   Bethel Advocate asked, “Are you talking about more than just the two companies that ran the first and second Bethel Forward meetings?” Forman replied, “Well there are I think four companies, there are two other consultants, one is a traffic consultant and another one is another Planning & Zoning guy, and all of these people are bringing so much to the table.  So much to learn.” Bethel Advocate asked, “So you’ve learned a lot?” Forman said, “Oh I have, and I love it. It’s really good stuff.”

Bethel Advocate asked candidate Don Goodrich (incumbent since 1996/Chairman since 2005, seeking re-election), “You’ve been on the commission twenty years so what will you do different, or will you do anything different, in the years ahead, should you be reelected?”  Goodrich replied,
“I don’t think there is anything different that needs to be done.  We need to continue to follow the regulations that we have.  We are basically regulated by the state.  We follow their state regulations and therefore, you know, it’s an ongoing battle to try and save these wetlands.  That’s probably why I got on the commission in the first place, because I’ve been involved in the environment since the first Earth Day 1970. And wetlands are very misunderstood, most people look at them as just being swamps where they fester mosquitoes, and they hold a whole, vast environment within itself, and they also help the environments around, flight control is one of the main things.  And one of the problems we have here in Bethel is the few remaining places to build in this town are either cliffs or wetlands, and so we really have to work around regulations to try to allow people to build, if they buy a piece of property, and yet protect the wetlands.  So I don’t think I am going to be doing anything different, I’m just going to continue doing the same thing we’ve been doing for twenty years, is to really try to protect that particular environment.”  Bethel Advocate asked. “It’s nice to see your passion too, about what you do. but in your experience have you had any occasions where you learned from a particular set of meetings or hearings, that you might improve the way the interaction is possibly done with the public or applicants?  Do you keep seeing ways that you can interact in a better way with the public?”  Goodrich replied, “I think the main problem with wetlands is people misunderstand them, and I think to just make people aware of how important these wetlands are to the whole town, to the whole country, the whole world.  You know, it’s not a new thing, it’s just something that has to be re-said to the people, and most often I meet people when they come in, and they’re surprised to see the regulations that are involved with wetlands.  They figure, ‘oh it’s just a swamp, I can just move my lawn back’ or ‘I want to build a deck here, I’ll just push it back’ and some people do that before they come in, and we have to, in some cases, make them take down what they’ve done. The education of the people is the most important thing.  Anyway I can, when I talk to people about wetlands, or people say, ‘you are in wetlands, why can’t I build this here?’ I try to explain to them why.  But the people just need to become educated on the importance of this particular piece of environment. It has an effect on everything.”  


Photo above: Bethel business owners Wendy (center) and Mitch Gross (right).

New Bethel business owners, Mitch and Wendy Gross, attended the forum. These are the individuals who bought a property earlier this year in Clarke Business Park and were very involved in opposing the crematorium, especially since they were not told about the proposed crematorium before they purchased their property.  They specifically asked each candidate (Forman, Naddeo, Goodrich and Passineau) where they stood on the crematorium issue.  Mr. Gross asked, “Tell me if you would or would not vote to change the zoning to allow crematoriums in the Town of Bethel or in the industrial parks?  Naddeo replied, “As it stands now I do not support a crematorium, I know that the application is going through litigation, but as it stands now, no I would not.” Passineau answered, “I read a bit about it, but honestly, I am not totally up to speed on everything that’s involved with the process.  As a general policy, I think I want to know more about the effects that having a crematorium would have on the environment and the surrounding properties in that area before I said okay.”  “So you currently do not have a view?”  said Mr. Gross.  Passineau said, “I’m probably leaning against it at this point, but I honestly do not think I have all the information I would need to make a final decision.”  Foreman said, “Because I am currently on the board as an alternate I don’t think I can answer that because of the litigation.”   Mitch Gross disagreed, and said it “had nothing to do with the litigation,” and he urged her to answer, but Forman stood her ground.  (Currently the crematorium applicant B. Shawn McLoughlin has three pending lawsuits against the P&Z and Connecticut Coining, Inc., a neighboring business.)  Then Mr. Gross said, “You either are or you aren’t,” Forman said, “I don’t think I’m allowed to answer that.” First Selectman Knickerbocker then said, “No actually, she’s correct.  She should not answer that because there’s litigation and she’s a sitting board member.”  Forman said, “What I can say is that I have asked questions and responded to questions on the record and if you go back you can probably figure out my stance, but I don’t think I can answer a question.”   Knickerbocker said, “When there’s litigation in process, the public comments that appear in the press, can be brought into court and it can prejudice the outcome of the case, so sitting board members are always advised that they really cannot say anything about a case that is under litigation.  Candidates can state their feelings, but even though a sitting board member is also a candidate, if she would be required to vote, then she can’t say anything. If she did, then she would have to recuse herself and leave the room and not participate in the vote.”  First Selectman Knickerbocker confirmed that if the litigation goes on for years the same rule holds, “Until litigation is completed, that’s true,” the First Selectman said.

Mr. Gross said,“First of all she’s an alternate, she was not a voting member of that decision.” Knickerbocker answered, “She may have to vote in the future though.”

“That’s the whole point of asking the question,” said Gross, “she may have to vote in the future, we have to vote now.”  

Attorney Dave Olsen commented, “If a member is absent she can be seated and vote.”  Mr. Gross said he didn’t think the P&Z could seat her for that.   Foreman disagreed, and said they can, and explained that an alternate was seated instead of her but of they needed two people to be seated then she could be seated.  “I could be seated for a vote,” she said.  “I’m sorry, you can check the record and I think my stand is pretty clear,” said Forman.  Goodrich stated it was a non-decision for them because the proposed crematorium property was not within 100 feet of wetlands.

An attendee in the audience could not understand why there was so much opposition to the crematorium.  She said, “I was really puzzled about it and why it caused such a big uproar here in town.  I know crematoriums where our daughters live, in Texas, in Pennsylvania, and it really is not such a big deal.  Crematoriums are everywhere, or funeral homes, many funeral homes, have crematoriums and there isn’t any real uproar over it. My husband’s parents were cremated in Greenwich, right in the center of Greenwich Avenue and the funeral home is a crematorium.  And I’m thinking, you know there are probably more … “  Mr. Gross then said, “I don’t think that’s correct.  They outsource.”   Wendy Gross then said, “They provide the service but that’s not where the bodies are burned.”

Bethel Advocate checked on this and there is no crematorium in Greenwich CT.  The Fred D. Knapp & Son Funeral Home, in the center of Greenwich, CT, said they offer cremation service but said they send remains to Stamford, CT to be cremated and there is no crematorium in Greenwich, CT.  (Editor note: We have found that this is a common misconception that when a funeral home has “crematorium services” on their business sign, it is not immediately clear that they send the human remains out to a crematorium and the service is not done on their premises.)  Quite a bit of the forum was spent discussing the crematorium, but the majority of those who discussed it, save for a few people who were directly involved or had attended all of the hearings, said they were not familiar with the issue very much and needed more information.



The next Democratic Forum is tonight, October 27, 2015, from 7:30 – 8:30 p.m, at the Democratic Headquarters, 106 Greenwood Avenue, Bethel, CT.

Board of Finance candidates, Eileen Freebairn, Claudia Stephan and Pat Smithwick (all incumbents).








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